New Website

AEME is rolling out a new web site. Look for it to go live soon.

Currently, we are transcribing the Life of Christ from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 108. Here is a sample of our transcription from the first ten lines:

This might be rendered in a diplomatic display as:

ManiculumA nd spatte a luyte on is finger and ínto is erene ít schok.
h e watte al so with ís spotle is tonge  opene þíne mouth he seide
s peche and herínge hím cam a non  þat was a swete dede
I nanensaumple þer of In maní stude  ȝwane childꝛen i baptizede beoz
Þ e preost heom croẏsez míd ís spotle  ase we ofte ísez
O e louerd pꝛechede wide a bout and muche folke hím ſiwede faſte
s o longe þat heo ofhongrede weren  wel ſoꝛe atþe laſte
I ch habbe gret píte oꝛe louerd ſeide  þat þis folk nadde íete
f oꝛ þreo daweſ heo habbez íſíwed me  and nouȝt ne hebbeth to mete
I nelle nouȝt fastínde late hím go  þat heo beon ouer come