The Knight's Tale, part 3


This tale is an uncorrected draft. See the development notes for details about the current state of the text.

 I trowe men wolde deme it necligence
 If I foryete to tellen the dispence
 Of Theseus, that gooth so bisily
 To maken up the lystes roially,
5That swich a noble theatre as it was
 I dar wel seyen in this world ther nas.
 The circuit a myle was aboute,
 Walled of stoon, and dyched al withoute.
 Round was the shap, in manere of compas,
10Ful of degrees, the heighte of sixty pas,
 That whan a man was set on o degree,
 He letted nat his felawe for to see.
 Estward ther stood a gate of marbul whit,
 Westward right swich another in the opposit.
15And shortly to concluden, swich a place
 Was noon in erthe, as in so litel space;
 For in the lond ther was no crafty man
 That geometrie or ars-metrike kan,
 Ne portreyour, ne kervere of ymages,
20That Theseus ne yaf him mete and wagesgive   
 The theatre for to maken and devyse.
 And for to doon his ryte and sacrifise,
 He estward hath, upon the gate above,
 In worshipe of Venus, goddesse of love,
25Doon make an auter and an oratorie;
 And on the gate westward, in memorie
 Of Mars, he maked hath right swich another,
 That coste largely of gold a fother.
 And northward, in a touret on the wal,
30Of alabastre whit and reed coral,
 An oratorie, riche for to see,
 In worshipe of Dyane of chastitee,
 Hath Theseus doon wroght in noble wyse.
 But yet hadde I foryeten to devyse
35The noble kervyng and the portreitures,
 The shap, the contenaunce, and the figures
 That weren in thise oratories thre.
 First in the temple of Venus maystow se
 Wroght on the wal, ful pitous to biholde,
40The broken slepes, and the sikes colde,streams   
 The sacred teeris, and the waymentynge,
 The firy strokes of the desirynge
 That loves servantz in this lyf enduren;
 The othes that hir covenantz assuren;their   
45Pleasance and Hope, Desir, Foolhardynesse,
 Beautee and Youthe, Bauderie, Richesse,
 Charmes and Force, Lesynges, Flaterye,
 Despense, Bisynesse, and Jalousye,
 That wered of yelewe gooldes a gerland,
50And a cokkow sittynge on hir hand;her   
 Festes, instrumentz, caroles, daunces,
 Lust and array, and alle the circumstaunces
 Of love, which that I rekned and rekne shal,
 By ordre weren peynted on the wal,
55And mo than I kan make of mencioun.
 For soothly al the mount of Citheroun,
 Ther Venus hath hir principal dwellynge,
 Was shewed on the wal in portreyynge,
 With al the gardyn and the lustynesse.
60Nat was foryeten the porter, Ydelnesse,
 Ne Narcisus the faire of yore agon,
 Ne yet the folye of kyng Salomon,
 Ne yet the grete strengthe of Ercules --
 Th'enchauntementz of Medea and Circes --
65Ne of Turnus, with the hardy fiers corage,
 The riche Cresus, kaytyf in servage.
 Thus may ye seen that wysdom ne richesse,
 Beautee ne sleighte, strengthe ne hardynesse,
 Ne may with Venus holde champartie,
70For as hir list the world than may she gye.her   
 Lo, alle thise folk so caught were in hir las,
 Til they for wo ful ofte seyde "allas!"
 Suffiseth heere ensamples oon or two,
 And though I koude rekene a thousand mo.
75The statue of Venus, glorious for to se,
 Was naked, fletynge in the large see,
 And fro the navele doun al covered was
 With wawes grene, and brighte as any glas.
 A citole in hir right hand hadde she,her   
80And on hir heed, ful semely for to se,her   
 A rose gerland, fressh and wel smellynge;
 Above hir heed hir dowves flikerynge.her   her   
 Biforn hire stood hir sone Cupido;her   her   
 Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two,his   
85And blynd he was, as it is often seene;
 A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.
 Why sholde I noght as wel eek telle yow al
 The portreiture that was upon the wal
 Withinne the temple of myghty Mars the rede?
90Al peynted was the wal, in lengthe and brede,
 Lyk to the estres of the grisly placeapartments   
 That highte the grete temple of Mars in Trace,
 In thilke colde, frosty regioun
 Ther as Mars hath his sovereyn mansioun.
95First on the wal was peynted a forest,
 In which ther dwelleth neither man ne best,
 With knotty, knarry, bareyne trees olde,
 Of stubbes sharpe and hidouse to biholde,
 In which ther ran a rumbel in a swough,
100As though a storm sholde bresten every bough.
 And dounward from an hille, under a bente,
 Ther stood the temple of Mars armypotente,
 Wroght al of burned steel, of which the entree
 Was long and streit, and gastly for to se.
105And therout came a rage and swich a veze
 That it made al the gate for to rese.
 The northren lyght in at the dores shoon,
 For wyndowe on the wal ne was ther noon,
 Thurgh which men myghten any light discerne.
110The dore was al of adamant eterne,
 Yclenched overthwart and endelong
 With iren tough; and for to make it strong,
 Every pyler, the temple to sustene,
 Was tonne-greet, of iren bright and shene. c=unsure   
115Ther saugh I first the derke ymaginyng
 Of Felonye, and al the compassyng;
 The crueel Ire, reed as any gleede;
 The pykepurs, and eek the pale Drede;also   
 The smylere with the knyf under the cloke;
120The shepne brennynge with the blake smoke; c=unsure   
 The tresoun of the mordrynge in the bedde;
 The open werre, with woundes al bibledde;   
 Contek, with blody knyf and sharp manace.
 Al ful of chirkyng was that sory place.
125The sleere of hymself yet saugh I ther --
 His herte-blood hath bathed al his heer --
 The nayl ydryven in the shode anyght;
 The colde deeth, with mouth gapyng upright.
 Amyddes of the temple sat Meschaunce,
130With disconfort and sory contenaunce.
 Yet saugh I Woodnesse, laughynge in his rage,
 Armed Compleint, Outhees, and fiers Outrage;
 The careyne in the busk, with throte ycorve;
 A thousand slayn, and nat of qualm ystorve;
135The tiraunt, with the pray by force yraft; c=unsure   
 The toun destroyed, ther was no thyng laft.
 Yet saugh I brent the shippes hoppesteres;
 The hunte strangled with the wilde beres;
 The sowe freten the child right in the cradel;
140The cook yscalded, for al his longe ladel.   
 Noght was foryeten by the infortune of Marte.
 The cartere overryden with his carte --
 Under the wheel ful lowe he lay adoun.
 Ther were also, of Martes divisioun,
145The barbour, and the bocher, and the smyth,
 That forgeth sharpe swerdes on his styth. c=unsure   
 And al above, depeynted in a tour,
 Saugh I Conquest, sittynge in greet honour,
 With the sharpe swerd over his heed
150Hangynge by a soutil twynes threed.
 Depeynted was the slaughtre of Julius,
 Of grete Nero, and of Antonius;
 Al be that thilke tyme they were unborn,
 Yet was hir deth depeynted ther-biforntheir   
155By manasynge of Mars, right by figure;
 So was it shewed in that portreiture,
 As is depeynted in the sterres above
 Who shal be slayn or elles deed for love.
 Suffiseth oon ensample in stories olde;
160I may nat rekene hem alle though I wolde. c=unsure   
 The statue of Mars upon a carte stood
 Armed, and looked grym as he were wood;
 And over his heed ther shynen two figures
 Of sterres, that been cleped in scriptures,
165That oon Puella, that oother Rubeus --
 This god of armes was arrayed thus.
 A wolf ther stood biforn hym at his feet
 With eyen rede, and of a man he eet;
 With soutil pencel was depeynted this storie c=unsure   
170In redoutynge of Mars and of his glorie.
 Now to the temple of Dyane the chaste,
 As shortly as I kan, I wol me haste,
 To telle yow al the descripsioun.
 Depeynted been the walles up and doun
175Of huntyng and of shamefast chastitee.
 Ther saugh I how woful Calistopee,
 Whan that Diane agreved was with here,
 Was turned from a womman til a bere,
 And after was she maad the loode-sterre. c=unsure   
180Thus was it peynted; I kan sey yow no ferre.
 Hir sone is eek a sterre, as men may see.also   
 Ther saugh I Dane, yturned til a tree --
 I mene nat the goddesse Diane,
 But Penneus doghter, which that highte Dane.
185Ther saugh I Attheon an hert ymaked,
 For vengeaunce that he saugh Diane al naked;
 I saugh how that his houndes have hym caught
 And freeten hym, for that they knewe hym naught.
 Yet peynted was a litel forther moor
190How Atthalante hunted the wilde boor,
 And Meleagre, and many another mo,
 For which Dyane wroghte hym care and wo.
 Ther saugh I many another wonder storie,
 The which me list nat drawen to memorie.
195This goddesse on an hert ful hye seet,
 With smale houndes al aboute hir feet,
 And undernethe hir feet she hadde a moone --
 Wexynge it was and sholde wanye soone.
 In gaude grene hir statue clothed was,
200With bowe in honde and arwes in a cas.
 Hir eyen caste she ful lowe adoun
 Ther Pluto hath his derke regioun.
 A womman travaillynge was hire biforn;
 But for hir child so longe was unborn,
205Ful pitously Lucyna gan she calle
 And seyde, "Help, for thou mayst best of alle!"
 Wel koude he peynten lifly that it wroghte;
 With many a floryn he the hewes boghte.
 Now been thise lystes maad, and Theseus,
210That at his grete cost arrayed thus
 The temples and the theatre every deel,
 Whan it was doon, hym lyked wonder weel.
 But stynte I wole of Theseus a lite,   
 And speke of Palamon and of Arcite.
215The day approcheth of hir retournynge,their   
 That everich sholde an hundred knyghtes brynge
 The bataille to darreyne, as I yow tolde.
 And til Atthenes, hir covenant for to holde,her   
 Hath everich of hem broght an hundred knyghtes,
220Wel armed for the werre at alle rightes.
 And sikerly ther trowed many a manbelieved   
 That nevere, sithen that the world bigan,
 As for to speke of knyghthod of hir hond,their   
 As fer as God hath maked see or lond,
225Nas of so fewe so noble a compaignye.
 For every wight that lovede chivalryeone   
 And wolde, his thankes, han a passant name,
 Hath preyed that he myghte been of that game;
 And wel was hym that therto chosen was,
230For if ther fille tomorwe swich a cas,
 Ye knowen wel that every lusty knyght
 That loveth paramours and hath his myght,
 Were it in Engelond or elleswhere,
 They wolde, hir thankes, wilnen to be there --their   
235To fighte for a lady, benedicitee!
 It were a lusty sighte for to see.
 And right so ferden they with Palamon.
 With hym ther wenten knyghtes many on;
 Som wol ben armed in an haubergeoun,
240And in a brestplate and a light gypoun;
 And som wol have a paire plates large;
 And som wol have a Pruce sheeld or a targe;
 Som wol ben armed on his legges weel,
 And have an ax, and som a mace of steel --
245Ther is no newe gyse that it nas old.
 Armed were they, as I have yow told,
 Everych after his opinioun.
 Ther maistow seen, comynge with Palamoun,
 Lygurge hymself, the grete kyng of Trace.
250Blak was his berd, and manly was his face;
 The cercles of his eyen in his heed,
 They gloweden bitwixen yelow and reed,
 And lik a grifphon looked he aboute,
 With kempe heeris on his browes stoute;
255His lymes grete, his brawnes harde and stronge,
 His shuldres brode, his armes rounde and longe;
 And as the gyse was in his contree,
 Ful hye upon a chaar of gold stood he,   
 With foure white boles in the trays.
260In stede of cote-armure over his harnays,
 With nayles yelewe and brighte as any gold,
 He hadde a beres skyn, col-blak for old.
 His longe heer was kembd bihynde his bak;
 As any ravenes fethere it shoon for blak;
265A wrethe of gold, arm-greet, of huge wighte,thick as an arm   
 Upon his heed, set ful of stones brighte,
 Of fyne rubyes and of dyamauntz.
 Aboute his chaar ther wenten white alauntz,                     
 Twenty and mo, as grete as any steer,                        
270To hunten at the leoun or the deer,                        
 And folwed hym with mosel faste ybounde,                     
 Colered of gold, and tourettes fyled rounde.                     
 An hundred lordes hadde he in his route,                        
 Armed ful wel, with hertes stierne and stoute.                        
275With Arcita, in stories as men fynde,                     
 The grete Emetreus, the kyng of Inde,                     
 Upon a steede bay trapped in steel,                     
 Covered in clooth of gold, dyapred weel,                     
 Cam ridynge lyk the god of armes, Mars.                        
280His cote-armure was of clooth of Tars                     
 Couched with perles white and rounde and grete;                        
 His sadel was of brend gold newe ybete;                        
 A mantelet upon his shulder hangynge,                  
 Bret-ful of rubyes rede as fyr sparklynge;                     
285His crispe heer lyk rynges was yronne,                     
 And that was yelow, and glytered as the sonne.                           
 His nose was heigh, his eyen bright citryn,                        
 His lippes rounde, his colour was sangwyn;                     
 A fewe frakenes in his face yspreynd,                     
290Bitwixen yelow and somdel blak ymeynd;                  
 And as a leon he his lookyng caste.                        
 Of fyve and twenty yeer his age I caste.                           
 His berd was wel bigonne for to sprynge;                        
 His voys was as a trompe thonderynge.                     
295Upon his heed he wered of laurer grene                        
 A gerland, fressh and lusty for to sene.                        
 Upon his hand he bar for his deduyt                        
 An egle tame, as any lilye whyt.                     
 An hundred lordes hadde he with hym there,                        
300Al armed, save hir heddes, in al hir gere,                           
 Ful richely in alle maner thynges.                  
 For trusteth wel that dukes, erles, kynges                     
 Were gadered in this noble compaignye,                  
 For love and for encrees of chivalrye.                     
305Aboute this kyng ther ran on every part                        
 Ful many a tame leon and leopart.                     
 And in this wise thise lordes, alle and some,                           
 Been on the Sonday to the citee come                        
 Aboute pryme, and in the toun alight.                     
310This Theseus, this duc, this worthy knyght,                     
 Whan he had broght hem into his citee,                        
 And inned hem, everich at his degree,                     
 He festeth hem, and dooth so greet labour                        
 To esen hem and doon hem al honour                        
315That yet men wenen that no mannes wit                        
 Of noon estaat ne koude amenden it.                     
 The mynstralcye, the service at the feeste,                     
 The grete yiftes to the meeste and leeste,                        
 The riche array of Theseus paleys,                  
320Ne who sat first ne last upon the deys,                           
 What ladyes fairest been or best daunsynge,                     
 Or which of hem kan dauncen best and synge,                           
 Ne who moost felyngly speketh of love;                     
 What haukes sitten on the perche above,                     
325What houndes liggen on the floor adoun --                     
 Of al this make I now no mencioun,                        
 But al th' effect; that thynketh me the beste.                           
 Now cometh the point, and herkneth if yow leste.                           
 The Sonday nyght, er day bigan to sprynge,                        
330Whan Palamon the larke herde synge                  
 (Although it nere nat day by houres two,                        
 Yet the larke sang) and Palamon right then                        
 With hooly herte and with an heigh corage,                        
 He roos to wenden on his pilgrymage                     
335Unto the blissful Citherea benign --               
 I mene Venus, honurable and digne.                  
 And in hir houre he walketh forth a pas                           
 Unto the lystes ther hire temple was,                     
 And doun he kneleth, and with humble cheere                        
340And herte soor he seyde as ye shal heere:                           
 "Faireste of faire, O lady myn, Venus,                     
 Doughter to Jove and spouse of Vulcanus,                     
 Thow gladere of the mount of Citheron,                     
 For thilke love thow haddest to Adoon,                     
345Have pitee of my bittre teeris smerte,                     
 And taak myn humble preyere at thyn herte.                        
 Allas! I ne have no langage to telle                        
 Th'effectes ne the tormentz of myn helle;                        
 Myn herte may myne harmes nat biwreye;                     
350I am so confus that I kan noght seye                           
 But 'Mercy, lady bright, that knowest weele                     
 My thought and seest what harmes that I feele!'                           
 Considere al this and rewe upon my soore,                        
 As wisly as I shal for everemoore,                     
355Emforth my myght, thy trewe servant be,
 And holden werre alwey with chastitee.
 That make I myn avow, so ye me helpe!
 I kepe noght of armes for to yelpe,
 Ne I ne axe nat tomorwe to have victorie,ask   
360Ne renoun in this cas, ne veyne gloriesituation   
 Of pris of armes blowen up and doun;
 But I wolde have fully possessioun
 Of Emelye, and dye in thy servyse.die   
 Fynd thow the manere hou and in what wyse:
365I recche nat but it may bettre be
 To have victorie of hem, or they of me,them   
 So that I have my lady in myne armes.
 For though so be that Mars is god of armes,
 Youre vertu is so greet in hevene above
370That if yow list, I shal wel have my love.
 Thy temple wol I worshipe everemo,evermore   
 And on thyn auter, where I ride or go,
 I wol doon sacrifice and fires beete.
 And if ye wol nat so, my lady sweete,
375Thanne preye I thee, tomorwe with a spere
 That Arcita me thurgh the herte bere.
 Thanne rekke I noght, whan I have lost my lyf,care   
 Though that Arcita wynne hire to his wyf.
 This is th'effect and ende of my preyere:
380Yif me my love, thow blisful lady deere."give   
 Whan the orison was doon of Palamon,
 His sacrifice he dide, and that anon,
 Ful pitously, with alle circumstaunces,
 Al telle I noght as now his observaunces;
385But atte laste the statue of Venus shook,
 And made a signe, wherby that he took
 That his preyere accepted was that day.
 For thogh the signe shewed a delay,
 Yet wiste he wel that graunted was his boone,
390And with glad herte he wente hym hoom ful soone.
 The thridde houre inequal that Palamon
 Bigan to Venus temple for to gon,
 Up roos the sonne, and up roos Emelye
 And to the temple of Dyane gan hye.
395Hir maydens, that she thider with hire ladde,
 Ful redily with hem the fyr they hadde,
 Th'encens, the clothes, and the remenant althe   
 That to the sacrifice longen shal;
 The hornes fulle of meeth, as was the gyse --
400Ther lakked noght to doon hir sacrifise.
 Smokynge the temple, ful of clothes faire,
 This Emelye, with herte debonaire,
 Hir body wessh with water of a welle.
 But hou she dide hir ryte I dar nat telle,
405But it be any thing in general;
 And yet it were a game to heeren al.
 To hym that meneth wel it were no charge;
 But it is good a man been at his large.
 Hir brighte heer was kembd, untressed al;
410A coroune of a grene ook cerialoak   
 Upon hir heed was set ful fair and meete.
 Two fyres on the auter gan she beete,
 And dide hir thynges, as men may biholde
  In Stace of Thebes and thise bookes olde.
415Whan kyndled was the fyr, with pitous cheere
 Unto Dyane she spak as ye may heere:
 "O chaste goddesse of the wodes grene,
 To whom bothe hevene and erthe and see is sene,sea   
 Queene of the regne of Pluto derk and lowe,
420Goddesse of maydens, that myn herte hast knowe
 Ful many a yeer, and woost what I desire,
 As keepe me fro thy vengeaunce and thyn ire,
 That Attheon aboughte cruelly.
 Chaste goddesse, wel wostow that Iyou know   
425Desire to ben a mayden al my lyf,
 Ne nevere wol I be no love ne wyf.
 I am, thow woost, yet of thy compaignye,
 A mayde, and love huntynge and venerye,
 And for to walken in the wodes wilde,
430And noght to ben a wyf and be with childe.
 Noght wol I knowe compaignye of man.
 Now help me, lady, sith ye may and kan,
 For tho thre formes that thou hast in thee.
 And Palamon, that hath swich love to me,
435And eek Arcite, that loveth me so soore,also   
 This grace I preye thee withoute moore,more   
 As sende love and pees bitwixe hem two,them   
 And fro me turne awey hir hertes sotheir   
 That al hire hoote love and hir desir,their   their   
440And al hir bisy torment, and hir firtheir   their   
 Be queynt, or turned in another place.
 And if so be thou wolt nat do me grace,
 Or if my destynee be shapen so
 That I shal nedes have oon of hem two,them   
445As sende me hym that moost desireth me.
 Bihoold, goddesse of clene chastitee,
 The bittre teeris that on my chekes falle.
 Syn thou art mayde and kepere of us alle,
 My maydenhede thou kepe and wel conserve,
450And whil I lyve, a mayde I wol thee serve."
 The fires brenne upon the auter cleere,
 Whil Emelye was thus in hir preyere.
 But sodeynly she saugh a sighte queynte,
 For right anon oon of the fyres queynte
455And quyked agayn, and after that anon
 That oother fyr was queynt and al agon;   
 And as it queynte it made a whistelynge,
 As doon thise wete brondes in hir brennynge,their   
 And at the brondes ende out ran anon
460As it were blody dropes many oon;
 For which so soore agast was Emelye
 That she was wel ny mad and gan to crye,
 For she ne wiste what it signyfied,know   
 But oonly for the feere thus hath she cried,
465And weep that it was pitee for to heere.
 And therwithal Dyane gan appeere,
 With bowe in honde, right as an hunteresse,
 And seyde, "Doghter, stynt thyn hevynesse.
 Among the goddes hye it is affermed,
470And by eterne word writen and confermed,
 Thou shalt ben wedded unto oon of tho
 That han for thee so muchel care and wo,
 But unto which of hem I may nat telle.them   
 Farwel, for I ne may no lenger dwelle.
475The fires which that on myn auter brenne
 Shulle thee declaren, er that thou go henne,
 Thyn aventure of love, as in this cas."
 And with that word, the arwes in the caas
 Of the goddesse clateren faste and rynge,
480And forth she wente and made a vanysshynge;
 For which this Emelye astoned was,
 And seyde, "What amounteth this, allas?
 I putte me in thy proteccioun,
 Dyane, and in thy disposicioun."and   in   
485And hoom she goth anon the nexte weye.   
 This is th'effect; ther is namoore to seye.
 The nexte houre of Mars folwynge this,
 Arcite unto the temple walked is
 Of fierse Mars to doon his sacrifise,
490With alle the rytes of his payen wyse.
 With pitous herte and heigh devocioun,
 Right thus to Mars he seyde his orisoun:
 "O stronge god, that in the regnes colde
 Of Trace honoured art and lord yholde,
495And hast in every regne and every lond
 Of armes al the brydel in thyn hond,
 And hem fortunest as thee lyst devyse,them   
 Accepte of me my pitous sacrifise.
 If so be that my youthe may deserve,
500And that my myght be worthy for to serve
 Thy godhede, that I may been oon of thyne,
 Thanne preye I thee to rewe upon my pyne.
 For thilke peyne and thilke hoote fir
 In which thow whilom brendest for desir,
505Whan that thow usedest the beautee
 Of faire, yonge, fresshe Venus free,
 And haddest hire in armes at thy wille --
 Although thee ones on a tyme mysfille,
 Whan Vulcanus hadde caught thee in his las
510And foond thee liggynge by his wyf, allas! --
 For thilke sorwe that was in thyn herte,
 Have routhe as wel upon my peynes smerte.
 I am yong and unkonnynge, as thow woost,
 And, as I trowe, with love offended moost
515That evere was any lyves creature,
 For she that dooth me al this wo endure
 Ne reccheth nevere wher I synke or fleete.Will not   
 And wel I woot, er she me mercy heete,promise   
 I moot with strengthe wynne hire in the place,
520And wel I woot, withouten help or grace
 Of thee ne may my strengthe noght availle.
 Thanne help me, lord, tomorwe in my bataille,
 For thilke fyr that whilom brente thee,
 As wel as thilke fyr now brenneth me,
525And do that I tomorwe have victorie.
 Myn be the travaille, and thyn be the glorie!
 Thy sovereyn temple wol I moost honouren
 Of any place, and alwey moost labouren
 In thy plesaunce and in thy craftes stronge,
530And in thy temple I wol my baner honge
 And alle the armes of my compaignye,
 And everemo, unto that day I dye,
 Eterne fir I wol bifore thee   
 And eek to this avow I wol me bynde:also   
535My beerd, myn heer, that hongeth long adoun,
 That nevere yet ne felte offensioun
 Of rasour nor of shere, I wol thee yive,you   
 And ben thy trewe servant whil I lyve.
 Now, lord, have routhe upon my sorwes soore;
540Yif me [victorie]; I aske thee namoore."you   
 The preyere stynt of Arcita the stronge,
 The rynges on the temple dore that honge,
 And eek the dores, clatereden ful faste,also   
 Of which Arcita somwhat hym agaste.was   
545The fyres brenden upon the auter brighte
 That it gan al the temple for to lighte;
 A sweete smel the ground anon up yaf,
 And Arcita anon his hand up haf,raised   
 And moore encens into the fyr he caste,
550With othere rytes mo; and atte laste
 The statue of Mars bigan his hauberk rynge,
 And with that soun he herde a murmurynge
 Ful lowe and dym, and seyde thus, "Victorie!"
 For which he yaf to Mars honour and glorie.
555And thus with joye and hope wel to fare
 Arcite anon unto his in is fare,
 As fayn as fowel is of the brighte sonne.
 And right anon swich strif ther is bigonne,
 For thilke grauntyng, in the hevene above,
560Bitwixe Venus, the goddesse of love,
 And Mars, the stierne god armypotente,
 That Juppiter was bisy it to stente,
 Til that the pale Saturnus the colde,
 That knew so manye of aventures olde,
565Foond in his olde experience an art
 That he ful soone hath plesed every part.
 As sooth is seyd, elde hath greet avantage;
 In elde is bothe wysdom and usage;
 Men may the olde atrenne and noght atrede.out wit   
570Saturne anon, to stynten strif and drede,
 Al be it that it is agayn his kynde,
 Of al this strif he gan remedie fynde.
 "My deere doghter Venus," quod Saturne,
 "My cours, that hath so wyde for to turne,
575Hath moore power than woot any man.
 Myn is the drenchyng in the see so wan;
 Myn is the prison in the derke cote;cell   
 Myn is the stranglyng and hangyng by the throte,
 The murmure and the cherles rebellyng,
580The groynynge, and the pryvee empoysonyng;secret   
 I do vengeance and pleyn correccioun,
 Whil I dwelle in the signe of the leoun.
 Myn is the ruyne of the hye halles,
 The fallynge of the toures and of the walles
585Upon the mynour or the carpenter.
 I slow Sampsoun, shakynge the piler;
 And myne be the maladyes colde,
 The derke tresons, and the castes olde;
 My lookyng is the fader of pestilence.cause   
590Now weep namoore; I shal doon diligence
 That Palamon, that is thyn owene knyght,
 Shal have his lady, as thou hast him hight.promise   
 Though Mars shal helpe his knyght, yet nathelees
 Bitwixe yow ther moot be som tyme pees,
595Al be ye noght of o compleccioun,the same   
 That causeth al day swich divisioun.
 I am thyn aiel, redy at thy wille;
 Weep now namoore; I wol thy lust fulfille."
 Now wol I stynten of the goddes above,
600Of Mars, and of Venus, goddesse of love,
 And telle yow as pleynly as I kan
 The grete effect, for which that I bygan.