Assignment 1

For your first skill development assignment, you will create a small digital edition of Shakespeare’s Sonnet Number 55. You can find the text on Project Gutenberg. There is also an image of a 1609 printing from a volume in the Huntington Library available from Early English Books Online (EEBO).*

* There may be issues logging into EEBO. If the link above does not get you in, go to this one on the Oviatt site and login. That should get you into the right text. Sonnet 55 is on Image 14.

Your job is to produce a web page containing your edition of the sonnet. I am deliberately making not requirements for how the content should be presented. The goal is to see what different strategies and solutions you come up with. That said, you should feel free to use the online forum to discuss these.

The only requirement is in the name of the file you produce for your web page. You should follow the best practices outlined below:

  1. Never put spaces in the name of your file. Separate words with underscores (e.g. “my_web_page.html”) or use the “camel hump” convention (e.g. “myWebPage.html”).
  2. Make your file name descriptive of the content (so not “assignment1.html”), but keep it short.

You should e-mail me your web pages as attachments by Wednesday, September 12.

I will post the web pages as I get them, and you can see them here.