The Transition to My New Web Site Has Begun

I am currently transitioning to a new web site based on WordPress. If you are reading this, you have probably found the new web site. Moving from static HTML to a content management system (especially one really designed for blogging) is a challenge. I am trying not to attempt too much too soon. During the transition process, if you are unable to find what you are looking for, please try my legacy web site.

A few words about why I am making the change. Having spent a number of years developing dynamic functions for the English Department web site, I have grown frustrated with the campus web infrastructure, which has been slow to enable server-side scripting and database interactions. If that’s geek-speak to you ; here is what it means in a nutshell: these functionalities allow you to interact with web pages, not just jump from one to the next. That’s all you really need to know. A side benefit is that this interactive quality makes it a lot easier for me to maintain my content, adding and editing as I go along. With WordPress in particular, I get the benefit of lots of work done by thousands of developers associated with the system, especially their design experience (which is my shortcoming).… Read more…

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Save the Date

On Thursday, 3 November at 4:00 the Center for the Digital Humanities will be sponsoring a talk by Kim Knight (a graduate of the English Department) on “Digital Humanities: A Media Ecology”. Although this is not our normal class time, I hope you all can come. The talk will take place in the Oviatt Library, Presentation Room. Further details will be posted soon.

For now, here is a summary of her talk and a brief biography:

The Digital Humanities operates as a dynamic ecology that includes humanities computing, (new) media studies, technology studies, and digital pedagogies.  Like any ecology, the field is dynamic and unpredictable, resulting in both challenges and opportunities. Knight’s talk will take us on a tour of the various landscapes of the ecology, showcasing a range of projects and their relation to traditional Humanities research. Her talk will reveal the benefits of cultivating the field as ecology, including its impact on scholarly publishing and the public role of the Humanities.

Kim Knight is Assistant Professor of Emerging Media and Communication at the University of Texas, Dallas. Her research and teaching interests center on technology and social media in relation to art, identity, politics, and education. Her current research project is entitled Media Epidemics: Viral Structures in Literature and New Media.  … Read more…

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Welcome to the blog on! Since this is my official, “professional” web site, I’ll probably keep this blog strictly business. But who knows? A bit of fun might creep in. Right now, I’m thinking about how to use a blog attached to an academic web site, rather than a separate blog (with a suitably postmodern name). I might eventually end up detaching it altogether. But don’t worry. There will still be a link on the main site.… Read more…

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